
Drought and roses

Many people spray around to keep the roses in their garden alive! but for what? Roses are champions of survival and don’t need that much water at all. Roses can root deeply and get enough water from there to survive. The only thing is that a rose only gives you little or no water over […]

Flower cake from my own garden

Hold on to the summer for a while and make a beautiful flower cake or flower wreath. Cut flowers that do not fall out quickly and turn them into a beautiful wreath or piece. The colors of summer flowers and hydrangeas are now at their best. Get different colors. If you have an Annabelle (white/green […]


Pruning lavender – After your lavender plant has finished flowering (August, September), it is time for the first pruning. Cut off faded flowers and some of the greenery. In the spring, after the chance of frost, cut off a larger piece. Leave approx. 15 cm. away from the plant and make sure you leave the […]